Jack Rua - Rise feat Darce (2019)
In making thevideo for Jack Rua’s Rise, we wanted to create something that played off the idea of resurrecting someone sexually and spiritually.
Using the concept of the the male and female hands, a nod to Jack’s bisexuality, we plotted a treatment that would show the hands helping heal Jack and blur the lines bewtween spirituality, sexuality and gender.
We opted for a cooler blue pallete for the cinematography which gradually heats up as Jack returns to himself.
Making use of a bigger space and collaborating with talented queer Irish creatives for costume, styling and production, Rise is a notable step up from previous videos and imagery for Jack Rua
Directed by Luke Faulkner
Assistant Director: Eleanor Rogers
Stylist: Rónán Carlin
Makeup: Michał Mencnarowski
Jewellery: Mark Molloy
Hands: Ceile Duncan and Rónán Carlin