In the blitz of a quarter life crisis, newly graduated, swimming in a sea of job rejections, begrudging internships and stuck in his childhood bedroom, PureGrand (musician, photographer and filmmaker Luke Faulkner) decided to lean into the past to make sense of the present with his debut album “False Starts”.

Faulkner turned to sounds of early childhood for comfort, that of turn of millennium pop music, a reflection on nostalgia feeding ever more into our popular culture as comfort to our current uneasy political and environmental concerns.

Through that, he created a sonic palette and visual world in which to explore the feelings that plague a generation stuck in between and mourning the adulthood we assumed were promised.

In creating this world PureGrand aims to illustrate how pop music can be used as a vehicle for self expression while not sacrificing the characteristics that make it so appealing and popular. It playfully mingles social commentary with satire while still getting to play dress up.

The album was produced and recorded by PureGrand at home over a two year period. The album is an audio visual experience with each of it’s singles being accompanied by photography created by Faulkner and videos by him and his collaborators.